Software Engineering Research Group - SERG

Computer Science | Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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Case study of Digital Work Environment

Performed during 2019

IT systems and digital equipment are a large part of today’s work environments and often require workers to adapt to the systems, rather than support workers in their way of working. Ill-functioning and badly designed IT systems contribute to stress and ill-health, with a huge cost to the individual, to their employers and to society. We performed an exploratory case study of a recently implemented IT system at a major Nordic bank. Through observations and interviews, we investigated to consider within requirements engineering in order to pose requirements that lead to better digital work environments. We present a set of factors relevant to the ergonomics of digital work environments. These factors consist of user support such as documentation and training, and system characteristics such as understandability, ease of learning, ease of remembering, user satisfaction, work efficiency through system interplay and work-process interplay. This initial set of factors may be used as a checklist when developing and implementing new IT systems for work places. The results also pose a starting point for future research into developing for digital work environments with an ergonomics perspective in mind.

Case study material: interview guide (produced by Ebba Håkansson)


Håkansson, E.: Hur tänkte de här!?, Master thesis, Deparment of Computer Science, Lund University, (2019).

Contact person:Elizabeth Bjarnason